makeup artist Jessica Monzalvo + Elizabeth De La Piedra | photo by Desirée Jones @elleinadsenoj

Dear Reader,

We meet again :) I feel so blessed (and relieved!) that I along with another incredible team of collaborators were able to bring you another physical issue, filled to the brim with some of the most exciting and game-changing artists shaking up today’s art scene. This year’s unofficial theme is “The Unconventional Artist” — and celebrating the artists and creators making a name for themselves in ways that society has in the past deemed, quite frankly, impossible.

For the first time, we decided to feature two incredible women on our cover, photographer Elizabeth De La Piedra and artist Aleia Murawski, who also happen to be friends IRL, making this dual feature all the more special. Aleia, known for her unique and captivating miniature sculpture art, creates work that makes viewers totally reconsider the concept of reality, incorporating unparalleled detail and crawly critters into her imaginative set ups. Aside from her art, Aleia is the epitome of a burgeoning artist who retains a humble attitude towards their success, which makes her at the end of it all, simply a joy to be around.

Aleia | photo by Desirée Jones @elleinadsenoj

Elizabeth de la Piedra, on one end, is the most popular woman in Chicago—people grinning with delight and infatuation when her name is brought up in conversation. She’s one of the most stylishly adventurous figures in the city as well as bringing her vast amount of followers into her personal journey balancing her artistry and a full time family life. For any creative woman finding her way through her career, Liz seems like the default gal to aspire to be.

Elizabeth | photo by Desirée Jones @elleinadsenoj

Aleia | photo by Desirée Jones @elleinadsenoj

Besides this also being our first dual cover, it’s our first time releasing a print issue in the spring — something I was adamant on doing for the sake of bringing a fresh perspective into our content. Spring has always been my favorite time of year as well (I’m an Aries, I can’t help it) and I wanted to be inspired and motivated to create with having color, vibrancy and the sense of renewal in mind.

But enough blabbing—003 will be ready for purchase by the weekend so please, support, dive in, and be inspired by stories and editorials made with specifically you, our readers, in mind.

Stay inspired and never settle,

Bianca Betancourt



Circus Magazine

CIRCUS aims to educate and enlighten the masses of the Generation-Y mindset and perspective–representing today’s young, beautiful and inspirational–our smart and sensational. CIRCUS will give voices to the underrepresented and will start the necessary movement of showcasing the opinions and ideas of our growing (but in the eyes of the current media) invisible intelligentsia. We’re all the stars of our personal CIRCUS–our lives–and we’re merely here to ensure no one misses the greatest shows the world has to offer.