photo by Matthew Chuang / makeup by Paloma Alcantar

story by Bianca Betancourt

If accessories are what make an outfit, why haven’t we been paying more attention to them? Shoes, bags and jewelry usually are the first offenders we think of when we take the time to add finishing touches to an outfit. The fact that LA based brand Prête Collection, founded by Jamie Vezolles, flipped that narrative and decided to create a brand specifically dedicated to the luxuriously understated world of scarves is precisely what makes the brand stand out in a crowded style landscape. We spoke with Vezolles below about how Prête Collection came to be.

Scarves are a very specific accessory. Why did you decide to start producing them?

JV: I've always been interested in clothing design but coming from the world of film (I'm a production designer), I didn't have all of the expertise needed to create complicated styles. For me, the scarf is simple yet multi-use. You can do more than just tie it around your neck and that really interests me.

I often wear my Prête scarves as tops, but they can be worn as a head scarf, hair accessory, handbag accent, the list goes on.

The scarf was also a nice segway for me into the world of clothing design.

photo by Matthew Chuang / makeup by Paloma Alcantar

Your content and visual imagery have a delightful vintage feel — what inspires the aesthetic of the collection?

JV: So many things, I get a lot of inspiration from films, particularly the French New Wave scene, Jean-Luc Goddard, 50s and 60s fashion.

Tell us about the name "Prête" — what does it mean? How does this title represent your collections?

JV: Prête is the French word for ready. Clothes are something you put on to prepare yourself for the day. An outfit can change your mood, your walk, how you feel about yourself. It's important that you can put something on, a scarf or jacket, and feel ready to take on the day.

photo by Matthew Chuang / makeup by Paloma Alcantar

What kind of woman do you design for?

JV: Prête is for the modern day woman. A woman who is independent, creative, does what she wants. In many ways she is indefinable, she is multi-faceted just like our scarves.


Circus Magazine

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