REBEL WITH A CAUSE : Spencer-Anne Blacketer


Introduce Yourself: 

Hey guys, Spencer-Anne Blacketer here. California born and raised but somehow I have recently found myself calling the Windy City home. I am passionate about tea, nostalgia, mustaches, any sort of documentary film and most often, anything old. I am a seeker of adventures and I am not afraid to transport a vintage typewriter home on the Red Line if I am getting it for a good price. 

What other pastimes do you have aside from photography?

Photography will forever and always be my first love but hiking comes in as a close second. My feel most myself when summiting a mountian or standing in awe of a never ending green pasture. I am an avid Goodwill hunter and I will stop into antique shop I meander pass. I love to read, Into the Wild is my top choice but I have recently become a fan of poetry as well. I am always willing to partake in a music festival or garage band show even if it means loosing your favorite boot in the mosh. 

Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired incredibly every day by the overwhelmingly beautiful world that surrounds me. I feel moved to make art by natural elements such as the rustling of leaves and the sensations of cold wind but I am truly a sucker for words. I allow for words to consume my life and entangle myself inside of them. When I first started off with a camera I would let single phrases from lyricists, authors and those who surround me be the driving force behind the works I produced. 

Describe to us your personal style:

My personal style is all over the place. I basically just buy what makes me happy, whatever that may be. Lately I have been into very obnoxious embroidered sweaters and have accumulated an ungodly amount. I have been told my style is portrayed as vintage. I am all about bold polka dot print and anything and everything velvet. My perfect outfit would consist of feather tips, frilly socks, a bellow the knee button down skirt with a printed blouse topped off with a bowler hat and lots of antique rings and chunky bracelets. 

What music are you loving right now? 

At the moment musically I am really loving anything that has a folky tinge to it. Father John Misty, Little Green Cars, Portugal. The Man and the Fratellis have been making their way onto my playlist most recently. Benjamin Gibbard recently released a solo record which has been on constant repeat as well as City & Colours new album, “The Hurry and the Harm”. I will always be a huge fan of the classics, pick up a Frank Sinatra or Queen album when you get a chance and it will do you wonders! 

What are your favorite subjects to photograph? What motivates you to pull out your camera and snap away? 

The first camera ever placed into my hands was a 35mm SLR so I am a lover of the old school methods by force. I still love shooting with film and actually still prefer it over anything digital. My favorite things to shoot are very abstract, inanimate objects which results in carrying my camera with me everywhere I go just in case I run into something. I love photographing the interiors of peoples homes that are only visible to us through the crack of a door or a small kitchen window. As I grow in my field I have been staging lots of photo shoots with models involving big lights, big hair and quirky props. Picture glamour shots with a twist!

If you care to see any more of my more recent shoots or stay in the know of where my photography adventures take me you can follow me on Instagram @lunarlovewell

—interview curated by BIANCA BETANCOURT


Circus Magazine

CIRCUS aims to educate and enlighten the masses of the Generation-Y mindset and perspective–representing today’s young, beautiful and inspirational–our smart and sensational. CIRCUS will give voices to the underrepresented and will start the necessary movement of showcasing the opinions and ideas of our growing (but in the eyes of the current media) invisible intelligentsia. We’re all the stars of our personal CIRCUS–our lives–and we’re merely here to ensure no one misses the greatest shows the world has to offer.